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Writing workshop

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Even though I had decided I would try to become a writer full-time earlier this year, so far I have not yet been able to fully embrace the path. I am not in any way wavering in my resolve to make writing a big part of my life, but it is a reality that I have to acknowledge.

There is still so much I have to learn about writing and how writers live and work. So the term writing workshop was one such concept that had been alien to me before last week. I had seen a friend post on facebook regarding his progress on a novel he was working on. It was such a nice feeling to know I had another friend in the same arena, that I reached out. He suggested a writing workshop, and then we took the conversation offline so I could avoid embarrassing myself with my ignorance.

I have to admit, the idea of having someone else critique my writing still scares me. I know I will have to eventually face it when my draft is done. And honestly, I am convinced I have a story worth telling on my hands. All the same, I remain fearful.

Having said that, when my friend and I caught up over virtual drinks – due to COVID and the fact that we are presently in different countries – the idea of talking out the nuts and bolts of my novel with him seemed less intimidating. I sent him a short story I had submitted for a competition not too long ago. We spoke about the kinds of approaches we were taking in our writing, along with what had worked and not worked for each of us as we wrote.

The ease was especially welcome because writing is essentially laying certain parts of your soul bare and out there for anyone who reads it. There is no guarantee that everyone who reads it is going to like it. Whether I like it or not, I know I will take it personally because it comes from somewhere deep and valuable within me. So it was nice to be able to share that vulnerability with someone else, and have them share theirs with me as well.

So here’s to writing, and to poking holes in our souls so that we may harvest some tales to tell. We can only hope and believe that we won’t be the only ones that will see value in our yield.

And to my dear friend in another land – thank you for listening and sharing. I wish you all the very best on your journey! See you again soon!

Published inLifeWriting

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