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“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” ~ Stephen King
While I’m working on the novel, I find that taking time to work on shorter pieces is quite rejuvenating. If it is not intended for publication elsewhere, it goes here. Feel free to contact me with your feedback and comments!
- A Dark AlleywayMy daughter wrote a poem. I helped her with it.
- Grasshoppers (Full version)The full version of the short story previously serialised on this blog. A tale of despair and of vengeance.
- Grasshoppers (Final Part)Rafeah takes the final deadly steps towards a fatal family reunion…
- Grasshoppers (Part V)Rafeah has gotten past her brother and is now by her brother’s side in the hospital… she too, is dwelling on thoughts she has kept inside for a long time…
- Grasshoppers (Part IV)Ramli is at the hospital with his mother, and is waiting for his sister to appear. His thoughts begin to wander into dark territory as he waits…
- Grasshoppers (Part III)We continue our story from yesterday, and meet another member of this tragic family…
- Grasshoppers (Part II)We go back to a few hours before our policeman returns home and find out why his mother was armed with a knife…
- Grasshoppers (Part I)The beginning of another dark tale, wherein a policeman returns home from his late shift to a shocking surprise…
- For the HoardAn old lady makes a final stand against an invading force…
- NightsThe night is a wonderful time for telling stories….
- Happy New Year – Final PartIn the final part of the story, we will learn what Alvin’s mother told her children in the study that day… along with one final secret…
- Happy New Year – Part VIIAlvin has salvaged a good night from the wreckage that was his attempt at reconciliation with Selina… or so he thinks…
- Happy New Year – Part VIWallowing in despair at having crashed and burned, Alvin seeks solace in an old haunt… where he encounters an exquisite stranger.
- Happy New Year – Part VAlvin has decided to make a last-ditch attempt to save his marriage and has pulled out all the stops. Can he change Selinas mind?
- Happy New Year – Part IVThe next part of my entry for the Commonwealth Short Story Prize. Good things never last for some people, no matter how hard they try. And so it comes to pass for Alvin.
- Happy New Year – Part IIIContinuation of the story I wrote for the Commonwealth Short Story Prize. Alvin is struggling with something his mother told him, coupled with the arduous path through university.
- Happy New Year – Part IIThe second part of the story I submitted for the Commonwealth Prize. In which we learn more about our protagonist’s early history…
- Happy New Year – Part IThe first part of my submission for the Commonwealth Short Story Prize 2021. A tale merging the past with the present, of traditions and modernity, and of the sins of the father.
- Dreams16 November 1994. For twenty-six years now, this has been a day of sorrow and mourning for me. This year, I thought I would do something different.
- Be careful what you wish for… (Flash-Fiction)This story is based on a writing prompt – you find a book which turns everything you write into it real. What do you write? I made a short scary story out of it….
- A place to rest.Everybody gets tired of life sometimes. We all need to rest and recharge once in awhile. But sometimes, a place to rest is not what it appears to be… (based on a writing prompt)
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