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Am I replaceable?

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) – before 2022, I recall it best as the title of a movie starring Haley Joel Osment. I thought it was an entertaining film.

Now though, the talk is all about how generative AI poses risk to creative workers. The concern is understandable. Businesses are always thinking about costs, and generative AI technology is cheaper than hiring a person to create content, whether visual or literary.

Am I worried? To some extent, I am. I have been an avid user of ChatGPT. I have explored it and experimented with it (though strictly on an unscientific basis). The limitations of ChatGPT seem obvious – it lacks nuance and tends to take things quite literal.

But it does a great job of trawling through sources of information to generate decent research. It saves me time as a writer/researcher. I make it a point to fact check what is generated, and so far, I’ve not been disappointed.

Ultimately, I consider ChatGPT to be a useful tool to conquer my biggest enemy – writer’s block. The content generated by ChatGPT in turn, ignites my own spark to create something. And I love the process.

To be clear, this is not a ringing endorsement of ChatGPT and other generative AI programmes. Neither is it a call for calm and to avoid overreacting. But maybe consider how ChatGPT can be useful in your work, and try to adapt to it.

Because it is never going away.

P.S. – none of the text above was generated by ChatGPT,000HOURS-2023_06_04=&sponsored=0&position=4&category=fascinating_stories&scheduled_corpus_item_id=ec398501-0371-46a4-a93b-6ff49bab2a73

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