It does not take long for anyone to notice that I have not written any stories or posted any updates for months. There is a reason for this, of course. But maybe not a good one.
I have returned to full time work. With a media production house here in Singapore. I had responded to an ad looking for a writer/researcher. Made it through the first interview and got to talk to the company CEO in the second round. Then I got offered the role of Head Writer. That was an unexpected surprise.
In all these months of writing, I have felt my focus narrowing. Of late, it felt too narrow. I felt like I was lacking in experience and needed…something. I took this job because I thought I might find what that something was. My guiding principle was to broaden my horizons as a writer.
It’s been about five weeks since I started this job. And in that time, I have done more than write. Actually, I spend more time working on production-related work than I do on writing. The learning curve has also been steep. I have had days where I questioned the wisdom of my decision.
And from Head Writer, I am now Executive Producer and Head Writer. I have my own show.

But the thing is, I have always wanted to experience working with the media. So I’m gonna stick with this for a while. Probably. Nothing is set in stone, anyway.
I do get to write. I have been writing all kinds of products ranging from listicles (yes, really), short news recaps, and the occasional opinion piece.

In the meantime, bear with me as I learn to balance my office writing and my other writing, The Pirates of Temasek is still a work in progress.
Stay tuned.
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