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What makes an author? I am still learning the answer to that question. The road has been a fascinating one to date, and the novelty certain has not worn off. I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the journey in the posts below.
- Singapore OneA little update about life in the media industry.
- I started working again…An update on what I have been up to.
- Even dreams change directionsYes, I know I am behind in my writing. Here is why…
- It’s just a spring clean for the May queen…It’s honestly been a month of wins. I am grateful for all of the little successes, which I hope to build on. And also, an important anniversary…
- I am published.I can now say that I am a published author. And not just self-published either.
- Of rejection and acceptance…Some updates about my writing projects… which has bad news, and one piece of good news.
- Has it already been a year?Time flies when you’re having fun and even when you’re not. Let me tell you what has happened since I walked away from the only full time job I have ever had.
- HiatusAlas, I have not written for awhile. Here is a recap of the last four weeks or so which I hope will not be interpreted as an excuse…
- Publishing NewsNews on the publishing front – and a good though scary start to the year, I suppose.
- Writing workshopTalking about the writing I am doing turned out to be scarier than I thought. But when I found a friend in the same boat, it led me to some rich discoveries,
- Plot holes galoreLatest update on the status of the novel.
- It’s November!And it’s NaNoWriMo! But I won’t be participating. Read on to find out why…
- The Writing Journey 1 – Why this insanity?!?!Why would I walk away from a career and its stable, decent salary after almost fifteen years? And to do what? Write? INSANE!