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This past week in Singapore, school-going children were on the first term break of the year. Just a week, but as any parent would tell you, a year with the kids is like an eternity.

Unfortunately, because of the short term contract I won, I had a lot less time to spend with my kids than I would have liked. I don’t get home till around three in the afternoon, and that is if I am driving. It left me a bit heavy-hearted as well because this was the first holiday season where both kids were on holiday.

I don’t think either kid begrudges me needing to work. They’re good like that. However, I have to constantly remind myself that I walked away from my previous job so that I could build a better quality life for myself.

We are off to the zoo later today. It’s not much, but I hope that it will make the holiday worthwhile. For myself, if not for the kids.

Published inLife

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