It has been almost a month since I last updated. I am tempted to kick myself for neglecting my writing but I know better than to do that.
I have been rather occupied with other non-writing related activities since I last posted. For one thing, I finally went back to serving as a reservist with the Singapore Police Force. The last time I donned a uniform for official reasons was in March 2006, which corresponds to roughly twenty to thirty kilograms ago.
Apprehension filled me that first morning I stepped through the gates of the camp in Ulu Pandan where I was due to report. I had no idea what I was in for, and I was afraid of many things. My lack of physical fitness and my obesity were not inspiring indicators that it would be an easy time.
However, as it turned out, I enjoyed being back in uniform thoroughly. I was more than just mildly embarrassed to discover that I had been accorded a command position, given my current physical condition. Fortunately though, there was little by way of physical training and I was able to cope. Passed my shooting test, which was rather bittersweet. We did not have much time for training, and while I am no gun nut, I have missed handling firearms.
The other objective we had to meet was to clear the defensive tactics course. That, I was not so concerned about because I do have a background in judo, boxing, and mixed martial arts. And while I am not at a high level in any of these, I know enough to make sense of what I was taught.
The thing I appreciated the most is the interaction with my fellow national servicemen. Everyone is basically a walking story. And talking and training with all of them has enriched my life and my writing as well. Of that I am certain. I am grateful to all of them for playing ball and making sure that we were able to complete the tasks set before us with minimal fuss. On a more personal note, I am also glad that none of them gave me shit for, well, being myself. There is a limit to how much I can lead by example at the moment.
Beyond national service, I have begun a short term contract of teaching Malay, which is my other business, and at present, my main source of income. That too, was a source of apprehension. It’s something that I am still not used to despite having six students complete the course I developed, and another ten to twelve still on the books.
This contract will last for the next nine weeks or so. What this means in practical terms is that I have a lot less time to write. I spend my mornings teaching, and my afternoons either on my kids or for this week, catching up with some friends.
Writing is like living to me though, and I cannot go too long without it. Therefore I have decided to dedicate my nights to writing. I have just finished editing my draft novel just before this. It is going well, and I am glad that the time away has not blunted my determination to finish this novel.
I plan to write more, including maybe starting a serial story. I am toying with an idea, and with some luck, perhaps the first part will be posted next week.
Stay tuned for that, and for other news on the novel.
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